Custom Plastic Injection Molding in Missouri

One of the most effective methods used to create high-quality parts and products is by using a process called custom plastic injection molding in Missouri. There are various benefits that come with using this specific production method.

At LeVic Plastics, we specialize in creating custom plastic injection molds in Missouri, along with multiple other designing and manufacturing techniques. In this article, we’ll explain some of the top reasons why you should strongly consider custom injection molding in Missouri.


One of the top reasons to use injection molding is because you can make more parts and products in a short period. Build times can vary depending on each product and how complex the mold design is. But in most cases, there is usually only about 15 to 30 seconds between each cycle, which makes injection molding a pretty fast-paced process.

Reduced Labor Costs

Most projects that use custom plastic injection molding in Missouri require minimal supervision from employees. That means overall labor costs are very low at most injection mold warehouses. Many injection molding operations and done using a fully automatic tool, which makes the operation very continuous and streamlined for the duration of the project.


Being precise is important when creating all parts, and the injection molding process consistently delivers very accurate results. Injection molding can create plastic parts of nearly any shape and size. No matter what type of plastic is used to create the part or product, injection molding is one of the most trusted processes used by manufacturers in many different locations.

Custom Plastic Injection Molding in Missouri

Environmentally Friendly

Many companies today are becoming more aware of how their production affects the environment. Now more than ever, companies are trying to find solutions on how to be less wasteful and more eco-friendly when creating parts and products. Making custom plastic injection molds in Missouri is very resourceful because the excess materials can be recycled or used in the future.


We talked earlier about the precision of injection molds, but another important aspect of this process is flexibility. Custom injection molding in Kansas City and Missouri can be adjusted quickly to change the type of plastic, material, or color, even after a mold is already made. There are also some simple changes that can be made if the shape of the product needs to be tweaked.


Custom plastic injection molding in Kansas City is a much simpler process than using metal. Plastic molding is a one-time shaping process, that doesn’t require an additional machine. This makes the process less expensive because not as much machinery is required, and a plastic is being used instead of a more expensive material like metal.

Custom Plastic Injection Molding in Missouri

If you are thinking about choosing custom plastic injection molding for your next production run, contact our team at LeVic Plastics. We have the knowledge and expertise to take on large orders or limited production runs in Kansas City.

Let us know how we can assist you by calling (800) 231-1232, or you can also contact us online, and we will follow up with you very soon.